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Access 2000 Developer's Handbook

Ken Getz 110x dilihat ~ 45.7 jam waktu baca


The latest from internationally recognized Access authorities Getz, Litwin, and Gilbert, the Access 2000 Developer's Handbook, Volume 1: Desktop Edition offers complete coverage of every aspect of building Access applications for single users and small workgroups, including the advanced topics you've got to master to take your work--and your career--to the next level. Inside, you'll profit from scores of practical examples, carefully devised by the authors to illustrate effective, elegant solutions to real-world challenges.


  • Pemilik : Primakara University, Tersedia : 1, Dipinjam : 0

Pemrograman Komputer

Call Number : 005. 369 Ken a Klasifikasi : Buku Komputer ISSN/ISBN : 0-7821-2370-8 Edisi : 1 Jumlah Halaman : 1613 Pengarang : Ken Getz Penerbit : SYBEX Tempat Diterbitkan : - Tahun Terbit : - Tanggal Masuk Pustaka : 26 Jul 2023


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