
Thumbnail : SQL Server 7 Developer's Guide

SQL Server 7 Developer's Guide

McGraw-Hill 89x dilihat ~ 24.8 jam waktu baca


Serve up optimal database solutions with SQL Server 7 Get vital information for developing SQL applications and administering and managing SQL Server in your enterprise environment. SQL Server 7 Developer's Guide by Michael Otey is a breakthrough resource that takes a 360-degree view of SQL to help you take control of database administration and application development. Reduce total cost of ownership within your organization with start-to-finish coverage of core SQL Server 7 concepts including: *Administration techniques using MMC and the Enterprise Manager *Data access using Transact-SQL, SQL-DMO, ODBC, DB-Library, DAO, ODBCDirect, RDO, OLEDB, and ADO *Breaking the speed limit on response times *Performance tuning using SQL Profiler *Rapid development using Access *Web integration using ASP o*Integrated security and roles Includes Data Access Wizards on CD with ready-to-use code samples. See all programs access APIs in action on your own system!


  • Pemilik : Primakara University, Tersedia : 1, Dipinjam : 0


Call Number : 005.269 Mcg-s Klasifikasi : Komunikasi Visual ISSN/ISBN : 0-07-882548-2 Edisi : 1 Jumlah Halaman : 875 Pengarang : McGraw-Hill Penerbit : - Tempat Diterbitkan : - Tahun Terbit : - Tanggal Masuk Pustaka : 28 Jul 2023


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