
Thumbnail : Transmission Lines And Networks

Transmission Lines And Networks

Johnson 164x dilihat ~ 10.2 jam waktu baca


  • The transmission network is like the motorways, carrying vehicles (electricity) at high speed (high voltage) across the country. This is the network of big pylons and overhead lines you see around the country. The distribution networks are the local roads, connecting motorways with communities to help vehicles complete their journey.


  • Pemilik : Primakara University, Tersedia : 1, Dipinjam : 0


Call Number : 621.319 2 Joh-t Klasifikasi : Networks ISSN/ISBN : Edisi : - Jumlah Halaman : 361 Pengarang : Johnson Penerbit : - Tempat Diterbitkan : - Tahun Terbit : - Tanggal Masuk Pustaka : 09 Oct 2023


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