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Sprint: Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas In Just Five days

Jake Knapp 60x dilihat ~ 7.8 jam waktu baca


How can we solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days? If you are at all experienced in lean, you may reply, “Run a kaizen event.” By various names, the five-day rapid improvement workshop has been helping companies redesign processes and products to deliver double-digit results for over twenty years. The 2016 publication Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days was written by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Branden Kowitz, a trio from Google Ventures. The book describes the sprint as a five-day process for developing new products and new business ideas.


  • Pemilik : Primakara University, Tersedia : 1, Dipinjam : 0


Call Number : 658.403 Kna-s Klasifikasi : Buku Metode Penelitian ISSN/ISBN : 978-1-50011-4080-8 Edisi : 1 Jumlah Halaman : 274 Pengarang : Jake Knapp Penerbit : Simonand Schuster Tempat Diterbitkan : - Tahun Terbit : 2016 Tanggal Masuk Pustaka : 04 Jul 2024


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